Granada 1
The original woodcut print is a collage of abstracted pomengranates, hand printed in black ink over collaged colorful papers with warm colors and handprinted patterns. This giclee has the same brilliant colors. The image is 12 inches by 12 inches and is shipped in a heavy duty tube ready for your matt and frame.
About the Artist
Ouida Touchón
Ouida Touchón is a visual artist from Mesilla, New Mexico who spends most of her waking moments at the easel or the press.
She has her BFA in painting from the Kansas City Art Institute, and her Masters of Art from the University of Missouri at Kansas City in studio arts. In addition she has studied with mentors and distinguished printmakers and painters in Italy, Mexico, and the United States.
Her work hangs in the Federal Building of Las Cruces, the El Paso Museum of Art, and private collections throughout the west. She has taught printmaking and painting as well as mentored young artists in her community.
Her studio is a site for ongoing lessons in art that empower women to find their own creative voices through art making.
Her book Morning Paintings has just been published by LuLu press and will be used in art therapy workshops taught by mental health professionals. She is a member of the American Print Alliance, Southern Graphics Council , California Society of Printmakers, the Los Angeles Printmaking Society among others. Her studio is in a historic adobe home, in a historic pueblo called Mesilla. She has 1 standard poodle who advises her on color choices and a kitchen garden that includes 9 fruit trees.